大概人都会在不经意间,困惑于自身身份,渴望找到关于自我认知的答案,而这也是我们创作这款游戏的初衷。我们将此种困惑移情于两个主角,想与他们一起寻找关于生活、命运以及自我身份认同的答案。生活中有很多两难的抉择,并且,选择所带来的影响也是非常复杂的,因此,何为所谓“正确”的选择也就变得至关重要了。换言之, “寻找”与“选择”是贯穿了《乒乓球与倒三角》整体的两个关键词。作为一款文字/图像解谜冒险游戏,我们希望玩家能够从这款剧情解谜游戏中感受到文字与图像带来的双重审美体验,或许你曾经的迷惑与思考,都会在这款游戏中得到回应。
关于爱、移民、人与机器、少数人群,以及不同族群冲突等问题,都是《乒乓球与倒三角》所重点探讨的。《乒乓球与倒三角》想要架构起一个完整的虚拟世界,在这个世界中,玩家面临着多个令人纠结的选择,而每个选择都可能给这个游戏带来一个完全不同的结局。与其说在游戏中,玩家所扮演的是一个机器人和一个小男孩,不如说玩家是在对所谓 “自我”的存在进行探寻。为了使游戏中的世界更加真实可信,每个NPC都有属于他们自己的故事,他们在面对玩家所扮演的角色时,也有着截然不同的态度。这款游戏更多的是想通过画面和文字构筑一个可能存在的世界,并且,几位主创在游戏中也按照自己的世界观作出了想象与阐述。
联系方式 QQ:1302301141 邮箱:liwenxing1990@126.com
Ping-Pong and Inverted Triangle
“In order to be a more human-liking creature, I put two Ping-pong balls on my face, I do wish that might make me look like a human a little more.”
“My mom was sewing on a little handkerchief, after hers’ve done it, I found that was a little yellow inverted triangle.”
Ping-Pong and Inverted Triangle is a decryption drama game created by An-Studio, this game discussed the relationship between human and robot or nature, besides, in a more important way, how to know yourself and deal with it.
Inverted triangle is a little boy who was abandoned by his parents, and Ping-Pong is a robot with human feeling who adopted Inverted triangle.
This story might sound bizzare to most people, but Antoine Li (the founder of An-Studio) explained why he plotted the story like that, “I was planning to write a soft science fiction, and in that moment, I saw an advertisement of plastic surgery, and then I realized that human have plastic surgery to make themselves look better, what will happen if a robot is not satisfied with its body? And robot cannot breed by themselves, so the thirst for life will be transferred to another creature, as a result, there is a little boy in this story.”
Choice and Finding are two key words in this story, and the creators of Ping-Pong and Inverted Triangle are trying to build a possible virtual world, we do hope the game player will enjoy Ping-Pong and Inverted Triangle, and maybe, in a special way, you will find you can get an answer to your confusion in this game.
:) 之前也试玩过游戏了,非常有潜力的佳作,美术风格尤其令人惊喜。希望早日找到合适的程序,解决操作交互方面的问题。
画风好喜欢 浓浓的小学语文书的味道 哈哈